Kung Fury

Title: Kung Fury, 2015
Genre: Action, Comedi
Runtime: 31min.

"Kung Fury" is a 2015 English-language Swedish martial arts comedy featurette film that was written and directed by David Sandberg. The film pays homage to 1980s martial arts and police action films and stars Sandberg in the title role, along with Jorma Taccone, Leopold Nilsson, and features a cameo appearance by David Hasselhoff. The movie is known for its over-the-top action, comedy, and an array of eccentric characters including arcade-robots, dinosaurs, nazis, vikings, norse gods, mutants, and the super kung fu-cop known as Kung Fury


Director, script, actor: David Sandberg

Producer: Linus Andersson & Eleni Young

Editor: Nils Moström

Cinematography: Mattias Andersson, Martin Gärdemalm, & Jonas Ernhill

Sound:Patrik Öberg

Music (“True Survivor”): David Hasselhoff

Prop maker and prop design: Jacob Petersson

Kung Fury -

Kung Fury themesong,  80’s icon David Hasselhoff performs the lead track ’TRUE SURVIVOR’.

Director: David Sandberg
Production: Laser Unicorns
Cinematography: Mattias Andersson

Cover photo and behind-the-scenes shots for Kung Fury, also featured as a cover story for the Norwegian inflight magazine.